Why one should learn Sujok Therapy? * Prevention is better than cure; * Simple yet powerful true holistic and natural system of treatment; * Natural treatment – Magical results – immediate relief; * Possible to treat all diseases by balancing the energy of Five Elements; * No need to memorise the points for treatment, it is enough to learn the principles of Sujok Therapy to be an effective healer; * Treatment without medicines, hence no side or after effects; * Easy to learn and master even by non-medical persons; * Convenient, Practical and cost effective; * A respectable livelihood avenue for house wives and unemployed youths; * A novel way for Social Service and sense of fulfillment towards society. |

The knowledge of Sujok Therapy will be useful for the doctors of any discipline as well as for the common citizens. Wide practical use and scientific approach and research has promoted the process of gradual integration and merging of two modern systems of medicine – allopathic and alternative.
Sujok Therapy as an accessible method of improving health can become a popular method of treatment due to –
- This system of treatment is so simple that it is easy to learn and master even by non-medical students.
- Fast and marked curative effect is achieved after correct stimulation of correspondence points. The effectiveness of this system is so high that the results are seen within minutes or sometimes seconds;
- One of the advantages of Sujok Therapy is the safety of its application as inaccurately identified correspondence points causes no harm at all;
- Sujok Therapy is a universal method, allowing to treat diseases of any part of the body, any organ or any system of human body. It is very valuable and convenient in practical use;
- Sujok method of treatment is extremely simple and cost-efficient, there is no need to use expensive medicines and equipments. Mere stimulation of accurately located points with the help of elementary means – massage, seeds, needles, magnets or diagnostic probe etc. produces a reliable and quick healing results;
- There is no need to learn and memorise the points for treatment, it is enough to learn the principles of organisation of correspondence system on the hands and feet and system.
- Sujok Therapy provides a very suitable and valuable platform for prevention of diseases.